Saturday, September 19, 2009

What's Your Favorite Version of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah"

Few songs have been covered as broadly by such a diverse set of artists as Leonard Cohen's song, "Hallelujah." If you have a favorite version of this song, I'd love to know about it. In light of Cohen's recent collapse on stage, I went to YouTube to view the songwriting performer's own version of the song. Have to say it's quite remarkable. Check it out and then share who else you've heard perform the song that moved you.

Leonard Cohen Peforming "Hallelujah"

I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts and experiences.

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Views of those commenting have not been checked for accuracy and do not necessarily reflect the views of this blog publisher or his associates.

For a glance at other topics covered so far, please visit:
Christopher Harding's Entertainment Column at the Examiner,

My most recent posts are:
Leonard Cohen (writer of "Hallelujah") Collapses During Concert Performance
Music Nomad -- a Philanthropist for Indie Artists
How to Empower Your Band -- Do You Want to Know a Secret?
Artist Integrity and the New Music Business -- A Match Made in Heaven?

Or check out some of the articles that have generated the most discussion:
"20 Questions Every Band Should Answer"
"Secrets of Social Networking for Bands -- Do it Yourself Music: part 3",
Social Media Basics for Bands -- Do it Yourself Music: part 4 and
Social Media Stragegies for Bands -- Do it Yourself Music: part 5


  1. Wow! I thought it was Jeff Buckley's version (that was the first one I heard). But after watching the YouTube video of Cohen doing it himself... gotta say the man has a rough, honest quality that's pretty damned amazing. I vote for the songwriter himself

  2. Gotta say it's John Cale's take on the song. Just something about it.

  3. Saw Willie Nelson do it live one time. Gritty as hell, but I'd never heard the song before and it was cool. Later heard it done by other artists and never new who wrote it. Thanks!

  4. Allison Crowe's performance of Hallelujah moves me most. I've experienced it in concert. Leonard Cohen on his current tour is wonderful in a very different way.

    An amazing song whoever does it.

  5. I agree with CF....Cohen does it best himself.

    I also however - due to a personal and way too long to mention story - have a relationship with the 4 guys in the video found @

    Being Norwegian, I sort of resonate with the heavily accented singing this group manages during an interview I watched some years ago..

  6. Taranaki from Twitter: Jeff Buckley's Hallelujah, hands down.

  7. Wow! AEP, just checked out the version you listed on YouTube. Very cool. Someone else sent me a link for Kate Voegele's version as well. So here you go:
