Tuesday, September 1, 2009

How to empower your band -- Do you want to know a secret?

As the title of this topic suggests, I'm inviting us to explore the topic of empowerment for bands, artists (or for anyone).

Based on my recent article, here's how I've defined empowerment:

Empowerment cannot be bestowed by another person. Empowerment can be encouraged and authorized (though non-authorization doesn't really stop it, unless we agree), and we can create environments that are more conducive for empowerment. Ultimately though, empowerment is based upon a decision we each make to play all out, to utilize our fully capacity and capability in achieving a goal, vision, or outcome--or not.

What are your thoughts on empowerment? What's been your experience as you work toward a goal or a vision in your musical career (or any career)? What are the challenges you face?



P.S. As always remember that to see the comments in a separate window, click on the "Comments" link. To see the comments in the body of the topic, click "Links to this Post"

Views of those commenting have not been checked for accuracy and do not necessarily reflect the views of this blog publisher or his associates.

For a glance at other topics covered so far, please visit:

How to Improve Your Band's Success Rate
How to Empower Your Band -- Do You Want to Know a Secret?
Artist Integrity and the New Music Business -- A Match Made in Heaven?

Or check out some of the articles that have generated the most discussion:
"20 Questions Every Band Should Answer"
"Secrets of Social Networking for Bands -- Do it Yourself Music: part 3",
Social Media Basics for Bands -- Do it Yourself Music: part 4 and
Socia Media Stragegies for Bands -- Do it Yourself Music: part 5


  1. I just read your article in the Examiner and while I totally get what you're saying, it seems that there are so many elements beyond our control as we go after our musical careers. How do I take my power back from a situation that's beyond my ability to do anything about it?

  2. Cicely, great question. And to answer it fully would require us to have a conversation. The short answer is, however, that you start with focusing on what you can control; where you do have influence; what capabilities you have; and where you can improve.

    That approach brings you back into the realm of what's possible, instead of getting lost in realm of those elements that currently seem implausible. Once you start from where you are and move forward, you'll start to see that the implausibility starts to diminish and possibility takes its place.

  3. Yeah, I like the words so far. thats a different definition then I thought at first, but it fits very well. NO ONE can empower you, though those around CAN and SHOULD BE those who enocurage you to push to the ceiling. On a personal level, a way to look at it can be "I know Im afraid of failing - thats why I dont go "all out" everytime." BUT rather than finish with "If I fail, Ill fall down", we should finish with "Ill shoot for the stars, and fall down into the sky at worst" - the only way we can raise ourselves, is to risk the fall, even PUSH TO THE LIMIT to tempt the fall, GENUINELY WORKING to Find your real full potential, and you might find that inner strength you thought you lost, or had stolen, is really just under a few layers of ice. Bless

  4. Wow, what a wonderfully honest and inspiring statement, K.T. You are a poet for certain. I agree that, as you described, it takes true courage to play all out and to go for it and push the limit even when we're afraid we'll fall.

    Here's to all of us being our truest, most complete selves. The world needs our wholeness.

  5. I like the idea you talk about in your article about the Power Scale. I can see that having a support network is a big part of staying on track. I think that's where I really need to begin so that I'm not surrounded by people who put up with my sad little story.

  6. I think it's very interesting that you say empowerment cannot be bestowed. That's very different from what we typically are told -- that someone else "empowers" us. But reading your article it seems to me that the type of empowerment that someone else supposedly gives us still leaves us at their mercy. The way you talk about it is much more powerful. It's kind of scary too... but at least it tells us the truth. Thank you.
